Tips on How to Hack your Grades: Change your grades

5 min readJul 12, 2021

Having bad grades at the end of a semester is a highly stressful experience for most students. As there’s no going back, something crosses their mind to change their grades. There are many options to hack grades, even where they come as online reports.

Hire a Hacker

A possible way to hack your grades is by hiring a hacker online. Hackers may use brute force and SQL injections to infiltrate the college’s LMS database then eventually change your grade. Despite the low possibility, DIY attempts won’t work without precise execution that requires in-depth skills and experience. In other words, hacking into the LMS database isn’t an amateur job as the school or college would hire professional hackers to test the infrastructure.

It’s already tricky and challenging to hire a hacker online for changing grades. No ethical hackers would help you hack into the LMS and change your grade. What you can do is to find a black hat hacker in a dark web or forums, but there’s no guarantee you’d get the best results.

Keylogging The Admin’s Computers

The main idea of how you can hack your grade is to change your grade in the LMS database is basically to obtain access:

You’d need the username and login of the administrator levels with access to the database. You’d have to go through a risky path to install a keylogger app into the computer to achieve this. It’s software that can capture the keyboard strokes of a PC, laptop, or smartphone.With username and password in your hand, you may obtain access to the database and change or edit the value of your score records.

While it looks legit, it’s not. There is only a slight chance you can install such software into the computer without being recognised. If you can reach the computer, you may not count the CCTV that captures your actions. Alternatively, you may have to go home with empty hands as the admin’s computers come with sophisticated anti-virus software that would repel your attempts in installing the keylogging software.

Social Engineering

Another way to obtain the admin credentials is by approaching the admin in person and conducting social engineering. There are different social engineering scenarios for this case, but the admins would provide the credentials voluntarily as the results. There’s no success guarantee on this solution because people in the education industry generally have superb integrity and hold ethics firmly. Besides, ask yourself, would they willingly lose their job to help you change grades? It’s only reasonable if you can cover their lifetime salaries and retirement funds. This idea, even though applicable, is irrational and has minimal potential to succeed.

The Ultimate Tips: Hacking isn’t an Option

Hacking into the LMS database is an illegal activity to hack your grades online by yourself or by hiring a hacker. You may not only violate the school’s or college’s regulation, but they may also charge you with cybersecurity crimes just for changing your grades. Even if it’s successful, hacking isn’t an option for the following reasons:

You Can’t Run

Your grades may change on the screen, but the manual backups can quickly expose you, including your papers and works in a semester. Lecturers would easily notice something wrong once they know that you get excellent grades. It would collide with their memories that say the opposite. On the other hand, your not-so-friends can easily report you from changing or upgrading your scores. See? You can’t run from reality and consequences.

Small chance of success

Without a professional hacker, the chance of successfully
changing your grades is extremely low. Amateur hackers or hacking tools aren’t on the same level as today’s Learning Management System(LMS). There’s no such guarantee that your grades can be changed permanently, even if you’ve hired hackers. It’s because you can’t run from the fact that they’re not grades you’ve produced in the exams. In short, changing your grade by hacking the LMS isn’t worth it at all. The consequences are unbearable.

As you’ve seen above, the consequences of your attempts(even if it’s successful) are unbearable. You put your reputation, credibility, and future at stake when committing such illegal action. The school or college may also kick you out with disrespect. So ask yourself, do you want to lose your future?

What You Can Do?

While hacking isn’t a solution to your poor grades, there are actually many things you can do to change your rates, your future grades.

Let it be

First of all, you need to face and accept reality. It’s a valuable experience that you can learn and benefit from. Speaking of the consequences of having poor grades, they’re not comparable to being dropped out and losing your future. You may get long speeches, monthly pocket money, or more limited leisure time, but that’s it, and you can do better next time.

Study harder

You need to study harder to get better grades in the future. Set your own goals and be committed to them. Having your purposes would help you learn better, and the key to success isn’t about excellence but your progress. Studying harder means giving your best efforts instead of giving up on what you’ve achieved. Changing your grades with hacking actually implies that you’ve given up.

Get help and supports

Don’t be shy when asking for support on your difficulties. You’d be surprised how your teachers, lecturers, friends, or parents welcome your openness. Sometimes, these could motivate you in a way you may never imagine. Of course, it goes beyond technical comprehension as supports play a crucial part in your success, but it would only work if you ask for them.

Change your grades legally.

Yes, you can change your grades legally with hard work and consistency. However, being responsible for what you’ve done is a part of receiving yourself as you are. Pride, dignity, and probably, happiness are only some advantages that you can get from being responsible in your life.


In the end, you may find that it is better to hire a hacker to attempt a grade change especially when you are already out of time, and the semester is closing. Also, there are so many other reasons why you may need to hire a hacker. Other than a grade change, you can hire a hacker to hack an email or hack a phone. Learn more.

