9 Things You Can hire a hacker To Do and How Much It Will (generally) Cost

5 min readDec 3, 2021


The Internet may be the pinnacle of modern civilization but the darkest parts are vast and scary. Here on the world wide web, you can use any service like hiring a hacker to hack anything you want with a fee even if it’s illegal.

These hackers provide a wide range of services using their skills and expertise. Their skills will awe you with surprise. Here are some unbelievable services that you never knew existed and how much they generally charge for them.

1. Boosting Yelp Rating Service: Costs- 3$ to 350$

Many hackers provide services in boosting the yelp reviews you want. The charge can be as low as 3$. The hackers also provide the service of removing the bad review from the client’s post.

There is also a monthly service where you can continuously have good reviews and remove all the bad reviews from your page. The whole month-long service can cost up to 350$. These are beneficial for the customers who want to run a profitable business without worrying about criticism.

2. Hacking tool for Facebook accounts: Costs- 19.99$ for 3 months

The underground hacking forum had another post of a hacking tool named Facebook Hacker. This tool allows hacking into any Facebook account. The post claimed that it can access any Facebook account by using multiple methods of hacking procedure.

These types of tools are usually not found that effective as most of these tools don’t work properly. Most of the time the customer gets scammed after paying for the tool and realizing it doesn’t work. But many users posted their reviews saying the for hacking Facebook accounts works

3. Hacking service for any common website: Costs- As much as 2000$

The easiest way to hire a hacker for you is through Reddit-like forums. Thousands of them are willing to you provide you with the service.

One of the forums had a post where the anonymous hacker claimed it can hack websites or DDoS for a good charge. When in reply, a user wanted to hack a WordPress-built website. There was no specific reason to hack the website. The payment was asked for over 2000$ by the anonymous hacker.

4. Facebook account hacking service: Costs- 350$

Facebook is the biggest social media in the whole world. Everyone around you has at least one Facebook account. Everyone uses a Facebook account for the high-end security the company promises. But hackers are always one step ahead of cyber-security.

In an underground Reddit-like forum, there was a post when the user wanted to hack a Facebook account. The post included hacking a Facebook page. The user also added in the post that he wanted to know what’s going on the targeted page and he had no other choice but seek the help of any professional hacker. The deal was closed at 350$ bid.

If you interested you can Best Social Media Hackers for Hire

5. Gmail account hacking service: Costs- 90$

Gmail is widely used mainly by professionals and corporations to convey their messages to each other in the organization. Google claims that it has a top-notch security system for which hackers are unable to hack into the account. With this promise, over a billion users are using Gmail service every day.

But recently a hacking project from a public website named HackersList was closed with a 90$ bid. The project involved hacking a Gmail account. An anonymous person posted a hacking project which mentioned hacking a Gmail account that was considered secure.

6. Lessons and sessions for hacking: Costs- 20$

In some similar underground hacking forums, there was a hacker that wanted to provide hacking sessions and lessons for a fee. The hack would involve simple hacking tasks such as distributed denial service attack (DDoS). DDoS is a type of attack that disabled a website by sending a huge amount of traffic to the website.

When the website cannot take the load of enormous traffic, it crashes instantly which makes it completely inaccessible. The users fail to enter the websites as the server gets diable and is unable to receive any request from the sender. The post asked for 20$ and 10$ has to be paid in advance then the sessions would begin.

7. Hilton HHonors Point Hack Service: Costs-15$

A few years back Hilton reported drastic news of their rewards program HHonors getting hacked. The program was breached due to the existing vulnerabilities it had in the system. This gave away the PINs and passwords of the members. Later Hilton patched the loophole but the damage was already done. The customers were suggested to change their passwords immediately.

But hackers are still offering to hack into HHonors membership account by stealing their points. Paying for a single account can cost 3$. Whereas, some hackers have also figured out the configuration to hack into multiple accounts which can go as much as 15$.

8. Crypting malware services: Costs- 8$

Crypting is a very very powerful method for making your malware invisible when breaching into any system. This type of service has been offered by hackers for a long time. The process of crypting includes taking a piece of malware and encrypting it until it becomes virtually untraceable. The method is followed by checking whether the malware is detected by any antivirus tools.

These types of services still exist now and are widely provided in many underground forums. The cost of each crying can take 5$ and 8$ for two.

9. Hacking Netflix account service: Costs- 1.25$

If you look online you will find a hacked Netflix account very easily. There are many postings in the underground forums, where hackers claim they have the credentials of Netflix accounts.

Each of the accounts can cost up to 1.25$ a pop.

If you are knocking on the right door, then you can hire a hacker for hacking anything you want with a fee. Hackers have years of skills and knowledge about hacking. This gives them the advantage to hack any website or page or online accounts.

